Be More YOU Blog


Be more you. Tell your stories. Live what you love. Trust your intuition. It's all coming. You are the magic.

Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio

CURIOSITY & this cat

What I've learned in the 7+ years of running my business and helping hundreds of entrepreneurs build theirs through brand strategy, content development, and authentic marketing, is that the ability to PIVOT and make aligned decisions in the moment is often WAY more important than a plan. Read on for why CURIOSITY is so important in your brand, business, & life.

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Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio

Authenticity & Voice in a Saturated World

Using your voice is more than just speaking.

Not that speaking is a bad thing - I speak about and teach the things I know regularly:

Need an informative talk on authentic marketing and how to tell better stories? I’ve got you covered.

Want to explore self-trust and facilitate a session to undo the stories we tell ourselves due to shame, fear, and guilt? I’m in.

Ready to put your values to work and lead strategically and intentionally? Let’s do the thing.

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Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio

Seasonal rebranding

Economic and societal polls and data show we’re still reacting to the far-reaching global shifts from the pandemic.

But while some companies are forcing a return to what was— butts in office seats, capitalism at any cost, pushing people back into systems designed to keep them exhausted and frustrated so that no real progress can occur,

Others are SAYING NO and instead are creating meaningful and sustainable businesses that prioritize people first.

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Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio

You don’t need a website (kind of)

It never ceases to surprise me how many times business owners get stuck making their websites shiny and perfect with all the bells and whistles — at $10k-20k for high-quality content and design — before they’ve had some success.

Bluntly, your website should never be the first thing you worry about when starting your business.

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Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio

Donuts are a feeling, not a calendar date

In January, we’re supposed to start anew and be refreshed…yet seasonally we’re in a fallow period (and likely tired from the holiday season no matter our relationship to it). Winter urges us to go inward, to quit things — not add expectations and goals indiscriminately.

Whether it’s eating donuts — or embarking on your biggest business goals — you set the timing, not the calendar.

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Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio

Self-Trust & Clarity Go Hand in Hand

The work I do helps people tell compelling & converting stories in their marketing to launch/relaunch their businesses. But, more importantly, it helps people get more clear, consistent, and confident in their marketing and businesses so they can make meaningful and valuable progress on their purpose and goals.

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Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio

The difference between serving and selling

We’re not promised tomorrow or even later today — and the only thing that’s real is the moment we have right now.

That doesn’t mean we can’t plan or have goals, or that we can’t spend time to repair and heal what’s been done, but it does mean that we are present just as we are without judging the past or micromanaging the future.

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Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio

Ready, Set, Stop!

This past Tuesday, I took a “retreat” day. I do this a few times per year because meaningful progress often depends on a meaningful pause.

I took the retreat because I needed time to thoughtfully ponder my business for success and ensure that my upcoming work and services are aligned with the things I value most.

Many of my clients were interested in my format so I thought I’d share it here if you want to set yourself up for a more productive and aligned fall.

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Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio

“No Vacation Nation” & protecting your primary asset

One thing has become abundantly clear since I left the corporate world 5 years ago: working 40 hours each week, every week except maybe 1 or 2, is too much. I resisted this idea, initially. And it took me a few years to find my rhythm. But it didn’t come from optimizing my calendar or gaining momentum on the neverending task list. ...Read on...

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Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio

CreativeMornings - Acceptance

This past Friday, we had the pleasure of hearing Roscoe Burnems, Richmond’s First Poet Laureate, share his thoughts on the theme of “Acceptance.”

As part of his talk, he gifted us with his words on topics of racism, privilege, gender roles, his son being a butterfly, the five things they don't tell you about grief, love and god and love, and more.

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Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio

Waiting for inspiration?

Waiting for inspiration — or permission, or readiness, or perfect clarity, or any of the other words that we use to mask our fear of stepping outside of our comfort zones — is exactly what is keeping us from finding it. Inspiration doesn’t come to us. We must go to it. We find it by taking the next step, whether we’re ready or not.

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Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio

What Wouldn’t You Do, To Really Live?

All of my clients, whether they come to me for mindset and life help or for brand storytelling and strategy, have these major things in common: they are creating a new aspect of their identities and need the clarity to understand it; the words to voice it; and the courage, confidence, and system to live it.

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Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio

Let Go Of Trying To Make Everything OK

Deeply embracing change isn’t comfortable. It’s nerve-wracking, confusing, frustrating, sad, and maddening. Changing things, or wanting them to change, can make us feel anxious, worried, helpless, and hopeless.

Letting go of the need to make things ok and not micromanaging the process allows the change process to actually happen, and usually results in more depth, clarity, and possibility. It takes work to not just jump in and try to fix our discomfort immediately. It’s often harder work to not perpetuate old patterns.

The pause is often mightier than the action.

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Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio

Meditation Can’t Change the Awful Things Happening in the World, Michelle.

Many humans want to feel peace desperately but don’t know how to achieve it. “Mindfulness” and “Meditation” aren’t twin unicorns that ride in on a trail of glitter to solve all our problems. These practices don’t end atrocities, but why are we really resisting our call for peace? And how do we start now?

We can’t wait for the outer world to change to make time to calm our inner ones. What’s your resistance to your own peace?

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Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio

I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

More often than not, escapist tendencies further deplete us rather than give us the recharge we’re seeking. Self-care isn’t what is done on the outside…it’s what is done on the inside. The inner work is what helps us build a life that we don’t need to escape from, but that we can enhance, expand, and experience.

I’ve always approached my brand writing business in this way, too. Content that really communicates value and who we are isn’t a shallow, quick-fix response. It’s deep, soul-fueled, and helps people understand why to hire us because they like, know, and trust us. It’s inner work as much as it is outer work.

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Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio

Resistance is Futile

How do we go from knowing to doing and being? Because WE ALL KNOW. We are all our own best medicine to what ails us. The point isn’t to talk about advice and what we all know…or don’t know. The point is Resistance. We are all our own cure, yes, but we are also masterfully skilled at resisting our own help, and the help of others. Here’s the first step to end the cycle.

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Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio Entrepreneurship, Life Lessons, Storytelling Michelle Mercurio

Not an “Attitude of Gratitude” Post

Making meaningful progress in life doesn’t happen in the big moments. The magic is in the small shifts that we make every day so we can feel how we feel without trying to stuff it down or manage it into something we’re not ready for. This is how we find peace with ourselves, so we can bring that peace into the world.

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