Michelle Mercurio

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Must be the season of the…

Brand Witch

Normally when I show up on this account, I lead with my content-writing-brand-strategy self.

But sometimes, I'm also Michelle, Your Resident Witch.

No matter what tools I'm using, be it a values and visioning interview to get to the heart of a brand story or tarot cards to get to the center of a soul, my mission in life is to help people SEE themselves so they can BE themselves to not miss out on living a meaningful life.

I've read tarot cards since I was 13 years old.

They aren't magic, they're simply a reflective tool to help us access our inner voices and wisdom so we can better understand who we are, what we value, why we're here, and what we should pay attention to so we can take aligned next steps.

Much like the brand process.

We all have multiple aspects of our identities.

I’ve found that many of us — myself included — are reconciling who we are in relationship to a world set up to box us into societal norms.

Simply put, I’m here for humans who are evolving their identities and want to be more of who they are and less of who the world expects them to be.

My workshops, retreats, and sessions, whether about self-discovery or brand development, help people cultivate the courage to show up peacefully and confidently without masks.

All of us have a deep human need to know ourselves.

Making time for rediscovery allows us to revisit and reclaim our purpose, gain clarity on our vision, learn the tools to access and voice our identities, and make meaningful progress on our goals and missions.

I've been told that readings with me are different than any other reading experience my clients have had — that my clients feel seen, understood, heard while gaining clarity on how to progress on what's next.

Much like the brand process.

I'd love to know:

  • Have you ever had a tarot reading?

  • What did you learn about yourself?

Reply to me and let me know! And, if you’re interested in a bespoke experience or reading, you can check out my “other” site here.

After all, it is the season of the witch!



P.S. Get the checklist. If you missed my freebie about knowing when it’s time for a brand refresh, you can read more about it here.

P.P.S. Let’s talk about cool things!

Leading an Intuitive Tarot Workshop at Daily Magic

Need marketing & branding help?

Brand Visualization, to help you deeply understand who you are now, get clarity on what makes you different and unique, and become confident using your voice consistently and coherently with stories that align with your identity and strategy.

Brand Story & Strategy, to write bespoke content for your website and marketing, clarify your offers and calls to action to align with your targets, and launch your voice and vision in a comprehensive manner to attract, compel, and convert ideal clients.

Brand Strategy Support & Implementation to revise your content and brand essentials and coach you on how to strategically write & deploy content to reach your short and long-term goals.


If you want to share the love, forward my insights to a friend. If you were forwarded this email and want more like it, sign up here.


For more insights and interviews, follow me on Instagram here & here, TikTok, & YouTube. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn.

be more you. trust your voice.

See this gallery in the original post