Be More YOU Blog
Be more you. Tell your stories. Live what you love. Trust your intuition. It's all coming. You are the magic.
Our hijacked focus & attention
We are conditioned to have less and less focus and we reinforce these neural pathways of interruption in our brains daily by trying to pay attention everywhere, all the time.
Even when media is off, we are constantly packing it in: work, family, news, the ping of a text message, caring for others, and trying to care for us just to get through the day.
From tongue-tied to vocal
We've been taught to lead with what we do, when the real magic lies in who we are.
Think about it. When was the last time you sat down and really explored your values? Not the ones you think you should have, but the ones that actually drive you forward each day? The ones that make your work not just a service, but a transformation?
Values beyond the buzzword
Ever notice how connected we feel to people who share our values? That's not an accident.
Values are the universal language of trust.
Meta v Metta
I’m not excited about the current state of social media platforms.
I don’t have the answer with how to deal with it all — and I’d be wary if there was just one way suggested or one person claiming to know the answer—
But I do know this: we can all benefit from less reactionary posting and tit-for-tat responses so we can return to real life and what we are here to do with it.
magic is always waiting for you
Magic is all around us because it is within each of us. It’s ours to share as freely as we wish.
Magic doesn’t come from tools, tchotchkes, or things. We don’t have to wait for the moments when things are done, perfectly organized, and “under control” (as if!). We don’t have to be in a special place or experiencing something new.
Letting go isn’t giving up
We’re at a critical point in history right now where devastation is happening all around us, and we know about it, all the time, because of the media at our fingertips.
Our attention is fragmented, and often that fragmentation is what keeps us feeling stuck, depressed, and caught in doom-scrolling instead of being present to take action on the things that count.
Like, know & trust yourself first
As we witness nature in winter turn inward to restore for the coming spring, it’s a call to us to do the same. This natural pause invites us to examine our own rhythms and patterns, to rest when needed, and to nurture the seeds of growth.
Our moments of reflection and restoration aren't passive—they're the foundation of our future impact.
The American Stories We Tell Ourselves
“It is what it is,” at its highest level, can be a reminder to be here now and not to force things. Or, it can be a call to our soul to act collectively to create a different story.
I believe there is abundance in life, and being present and grateful for it in the midst of uncertainty is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves and others.
In Times of Change…
We have a very long road ahead of us, but as of right now, we’re all in one country and on that road together.
No matter what party you affiliate yourself with, I believe it’s pretty impossible to make meaningful progress for humanity through the lens of hate and deceit.
What we do in the shadows
Whether it’s helping people see themselves more clearly — their gifts, talents, skills, abilities, and magic — so they can build their businesses and voice their visions, or it’s a cozy dive into exploring the stories that become the operating systems of our lives and helping build internal alignment for the external world — I firmly believe that understanding our depths benefits everyone.
This is not a bot
My true magic is the ability to listen deeply, see the big picture, and pick out the right combination of values, purpose, and humanity to tell a real story in alignment with goals and strategy so that my clients can see their full potential and make it happen.
Must be the season of the…
No matter what tools I'm using, be it a values and visioning interview to get to the heart of a brand story or tarot cards to get to the center of a soul, my mission in life is to help people SEE themselves so they can BE themselves to not miss out on living a meaningful life.
Your Brand in 2025
If you’re wondering when the best time is to update your brand and strategy to build the business you want in 2025,
It’s NOW.
The ABCDs of Marketing
You know the 4Ps and the 4Cs of marketing... but there's a bigger problem that we need to understand in order to capture the hearts of our potential clients. The power of CONNECTION is what drives bottom-line results.
So how do we connect? Enter the ABCDs of Marketing. Read on...
CURIOSITY & this cat
What I've learned in the 7+ years of running my business and helping hundreds of entrepreneurs build theirs through brand strategy, content development, and authentic marketing, is that the ability to PIVOT and make aligned decisions in the moment is often WAY more important than a plan. Read on for why CURIOSITY is so important in your brand, business, & life.
The KISS method
While adding nuance and intricacy isn’t a bad thing, sometimes more can be achieved by getting curious about what could be made more simple.
Let July be July
Rest and deep restoration are essential to living a meaningful and joyful life.
And while I can teach how to chill on command to a group of people in just a few minutes,
I believe that simplifying our lives to allow for rest means we have to build ease into our lives.
Authenticity & Voice in a Saturated World
Using your voice is more than just speaking.
Not that speaking is a bad thing - I speak about and teach the things I know regularly:
Need an informative talk on authentic marketing and how to tell better stories? I’ve got you covered.
Want to explore self-trust and facilitate a session to undo the stories we tell ourselves due to shame, fear, and guilt? I’m in.
Ready to put your values to work and lead strategically and intentionally? Let’s do the thing.
Worst. Client. Ever.
Like most visionary solopreneurs, the exact magic I’m able to deliver for other people is what I most want for myself: clear identity, a way to voice my vision, and meaningful progress based on who I really am — not an algorithm.
Finding your voice in the age of AI
Your voice isn’t mediocre, so why are you using inferior methodology to communicate what you are here to do?
Seasonal rebranding
Economic and societal polls and data show we’re still reacting to the far-reaching global shifts from the pandemic.
But while some companies are forcing a return to what was— butts in office seats, capitalism at any cost, pushing people back into systems designed to keep them exhausted and frustrated so that no real progress can occur,
Others are SAYING NO and instead are creating meaningful and sustainable businesses that prioritize people first.
What you wouldn’t do, could be what you should…
When we quickly default to reactions and binary choices, it is often to keep us safe from our fears and regulate us toward homeostasis — that state of balance we all need to survive and function.
But what if that balance is achieved by consciously adopting a more nuanced approach?
You don’t need a website (kind of)
It never ceases to surprise me how many times business owners get stuck making their websites shiny and perfect with all the bells and whistles — at $10k-20k for high-quality content and design — before they’ve had some success.
Bluntly, your website should never be the first thing you worry about when starting your business.
Be A Bad Networker
If we’re focused on the tool or tactic as the answer, we can easily miss the connections and opportunities that come from having clarity and confidence in our vision and voice.
Create connection over content
The “pray and spray” method of marketing services and selling solutions instead of truly connecting with people who could benefit from working with us.
How to chill about marketing
I was in my office feeling frustrated when one of my colleagues dropped these words of wisdom: “It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be.”
Life (and marketing) is based on your relationship to YOU
The longest relationship you have in this life is with yourself.
I didn’t always think this and used to prioritize every other relationship FIRST and take whatever was left over, if anything, for myself.
The liminal point
There are no “helpful” platitudes or sweeping answers for how to solve the world’s challenges. There is no short road to peace. How do we all make progress, and make change, when the world is a dumpster fire?
Feels like the first time…
My mantra for this week has been to try to experience everything I’m doing like it’s the first time — to approach with curiosity and wonder instead of driving to an outcome or objective.
The promise of shortcuts
Subscribing to shortcuts and hoping for the best doesn’t work because it’s rare that applying someone else’s solution and strategy will immediately catapult you to their results.
Donuts are a feeling, not a calendar date
In January, we’re supposed to start anew and be refreshed…yet seasonally we’re in a fallow period (and likely tired from the holiday season no matter our relationship to it). Winter urges us to go inward, to quit things — not add expectations and goals indiscriminately.
Whether it’s eating donuts — or embarking on your biggest business goals — you set the timing, not the calendar.
The Art of Letting Go
Your tomorrow is made from the actions you take today.
But, if we’re stuck in reactionary mode and acting from the same scripts that got us here in the first place, our actions may not be aligned with the results we seek.
To the Quitters go the Spoils!
Quitting things that aren’t aligned, that deplete you, that perpetuate patterns that don’t work, and that are formed by expectations — yours or someone else’s — will lead you to more peace, joy, and presence…aka the more meaningful things in life.
That, to me, is the definition of true success.
Forget Happy New Year
I have a lot of big plans for 2024, but for January my theme is PEACE. If you’re feeling that vibe too, here are a few things that may interest you.
3 Things & A Wish…
I helped so many incredible humans truly SEE themselves, VOICE their visions, and become even more successful by being EXACTLY who they are and aligning their story and strategy to support their big goals.
Self-Trust & Clarity Go Hand in Hand
The work I do helps people tell compelling & converting stories in their marketing to launch/relaunch their businesses. But, more importantly, it helps people get more clear, consistent, and confident in their marketing and businesses so they can make meaningful and valuable progress on their purpose and goals.
Be a Scientist, Not an Expert
Nothing grows and evolves without curiosity. If we can’t challenge our minds to think bigger, we’ll never see other perspectives and act accordingly.
The difference between serving and selling
We’re not promised tomorrow or even later today — and the only thing that’s real is the moment we have right now.
That doesn’t mean we can’t plan or have goals, or that we can’t spend time to repair and heal what’s been done, but it does mean that we are present just as we are without judging the past or micromanaging the future.
marketing from beans to bikinis
Marketing becomes compelling when it’s able to combine storytelling with elements that are both familiar and foreign to make new connections in our minds.
brand marketing communications geek stuff
Your brand, marketing, and communication strategies are NOT the same things.
Soft Skills = Cold, Hard Cash (and better connections)
When I talked to classes and spoke at graduations, I reminded students that the number one skill that employers hired for wasn’t technology or industry related… it was communication.
Ready, Set, Stop!
This past Tuesday, I took a “retreat” day. I do this a few times per year because meaningful progress often depends on a meaningful pause.
I took the retreat because I needed time to thoughtfully ponder my business for success and ensure that my upcoming work and services are aligned with the things I value most.
Many of my clients were interested in my format so I thought I’d share it here if you want to set yourself up for a more productive and aligned fall.
“No Vacation Nation” & protecting your primary asset
One thing has become abundantly clear since I left the corporate world 5 years ago: working 40 hours each week, every week except maybe 1 or 2, is too much. I resisted this idea, initially. And it took me a few years to find my rhythm. But it didn’t come from optimizing my calendar or gaining momentum on the neverending task list. ...Read on...
Doubling Down On Being Human
My clients come to me because they are looking for THEIR VOICE.
They want to find the right words to help their perfect clients find them and truly understand what they do and the outcomes they foster past a simple list of services and indistinguishable language.
What To Do When Your Marketing Feels Inauthentic
The world is always in turmoil – there is always something unspeakable and horrible happening. The opposite is true as well and the goodness and kindness of people shine through every day.
CreativeMornings - Acceptance
This past Friday, we had the pleasure of hearing Roscoe Burnems, Richmond’s First Poet Laureate, share his thoughts on the theme of “Acceptance.”
As part of his talk, he gifted us with his words on topics of racism, privilege, gender roles, his son being a butterfly, the five things they don't tell you about grief, love and god and love, and more.
Legacies Aren’t for Leaving
If nothing we do matters in the grand scheme of things, then nothing should stop us from relentlessly pursuing the good and kind things we’re here to do in the world.
The Power of 80s Video Games
I’m a firm believer in restarting. No, we don’t get a second chance at life and we can’t go back, but the single most important thing we can do for ourselves is to stop when things aren’t aligned, take a pause, and consciously hit the reset button.
This applies to marketing…and to our lives.
Waiting for inspiration?
Waiting for inspiration — or permission, or readiness, or perfect clarity, or any of the other words that we use to mask our fear of stepping outside of our comfort zones — is exactly what is keeping us from finding it. Inspiration doesn’t come to us. We must go to it. We find it by taking the next step, whether we’re ready or not.
Is It An Interruption?
Human care is hard. Often, we don’t decide on what captures our attention, we just engage, react, and respond. Intention and pausing take energy, even if we’ve worked to make it a habit. But often they take less energy than running full throttle to depletion.
That Low-Key Feeling
As a terminally happy person whose “effervescent spirit and juju are effusive and contagious” (quote from a fave client & partner), it’s hard to accept that “struggling” has been my pervasive undercurrent amidst the bright spots.
Momentum is Overrated
My word of the week is MOMENTUM.
I’ve been working with new and returning brand strategy and content clients who are building businesses, or bolstering them, and here’s a snippet of things I’ve heard last week:
Casey Kasem is still the GOAT
New Year resolutions don’t make any sense to me. If I want to change my life on a random Tuesday in August, I’ll do it! (all Tuesdays are just made up anyway)
But, there is one thing about time that is very true: our time here is finite.
It Is (And Isn’t) What It Is
“It is what it is,” at its highest level, can be a reminder to be here now and not to force things. Or, it can be a call to our soul to act collectively to create a different story.
Helping the Helpers
This is why I write about not missing your life…about how today is the good day. We are here right now. This is all we have. We owe it to ourselves to remember this when our world seems overwhelming.
How to Chill on Command
What Can You Teach Someone in 5 Minutes? Today, I’m going to teach you how to relax.
When you find yourself stressed, here are a few steps you can take to bring yourself back into the present moment and anchor yourself in the now. Best of all, once you practice it, you’ll be able to use it without anyone knowing.
No One Cares If You’re Naked
The things we know can be good for us. They can also be our biggest obstacle to living fully, authentically, and meaningfully.
What Wouldn’t You Do, To Really Live?
All of my clients, whether they come to me for mindset and life help or for brand storytelling and strategy, have these major things in common: they are creating a new aspect of their identities and need the clarity to understand it; the words to voice it; and the courage, confidence, and system to live it.
How We Do Anything Is How We Do Everything?
All things touch. All emotions, reactions, and intentional actions we employ live within us. They are part of our programming - the things that get packed onto us as we live our lives. We discern these actions and reactions as part of our personality. They become our truths and our defaults.
Let Go Of Trying To Make Everything OK
Deeply embracing change isn’t comfortable. It’s nerve-wracking, confusing, frustrating, sad, and maddening. Changing things, or wanting them to change, can make us feel anxious, worried, helpless, and hopeless.
Letting go of the need to make things ok and not micromanaging the process allows the change process to actually happen, and usually results in more depth, clarity, and possibility. It takes work to not just jump in and try to fix our discomfort immediately. It’s often harder work to not perpetuate old patterns.
The pause is often mightier than the action.
How to Change Your Life
For things to actually change so we can make meaningful progress, it means that we must let go of trying to make everything ok during the process.
Meditation Can’t Change the Awful Things Happening in the World, Michelle.
Many humans want to feel peace desperately but don’t know how to achieve it. “Mindfulness” and “Meditation” aren’t twin unicorns that ride in on a trail of glitter to solve all our problems. These practices don’t end atrocities, but why are we really resisting our call for peace? And how do we start now?
We can’t wait for the outer world to change to make time to calm our inner ones. What’s your resistance to your own peace?
I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends
More often than not, escapist tendencies further deplete us rather than give us the recharge we’re seeking. Self-care isn’t what is done on the outside…it’s what is done on the inside. The inner work is what helps us build a life that we don’t need to escape from, but that we can enhance, expand, and experience.
I’ve always approached my brand writing business in this way, too. Content that really communicates value and who we are isn’t a shallow, quick-fix response. It’s deep, soul-fueled, and helps people understand why to hire us because they like, know, and trust us. It’s inner work as much as it is outer work.
Ditch BS Marketing & Sell The Story Workshop!
Marketing doesn't have to feel hard. So often we default to describing products or selling offers when we’re marketing. And storytelling, a favorite buzzword in social media, is often done without considering how the story actually relates to potential clients and helps them make the decision to buy. If you want to connect with potential clients & not just pitch at them, join me (virtually or in-person) to learn how to tell a better marketing story.
Resistance is Futile
How do we go from knowing to doing and being? Because WE ALL KNOW. We are all our own best medicine to what ails us. The point isn’t to talk about advice and what we all know…or don’t know. The point is Resistance. We are all our own cure, yes, but we are also masterfully skilled at resisting our own help, and the help of others. Here’s the first step to end the cycle.
No Fear vs. Fearlessness
No fear? Or fearlessness? When overwhelmed with next steps, feeling resistant to showing up, or unsure of why you can’t just do your marketing, it’s not a procrastination problem…it’s a fear problem. How do you do the damn thing anyway?
Judgment is Selfish
Judgment is selfish. To judge others is really to judge oneself and to assume we’re omnipotent and able to see the full story every time.
Making Meaningful Progress in Business…and in Life
How do you want to feel today? This is a question I use to guide my work and my life. Read on for what makes real progress… and to subscribe to “Be The Plan” on YouTube.
Love Really is the Answer
You can’t be a visionary changing the world for the better unless love is present within you and in how you serve others.
The Catalyst Is Quick
Undoing takes time. It’s more than the actions we must take. It is both an external process, and an internal one.
Not an “Attitude of Gratitude” Post
Making meaningful progress in life doesn’t happen in the big moments. The magic is in the small shifts that we make every day so we can feel how we feel without trying to stuff it down or manage it into something we’re not ready for. This is how we find peace with ourselves, so we can bring that peace into the world.
My Biggest Entrepreneurial Question: Should I Wait?
In life and business, some things can wait…and some can’t.