Be A Bad Networker
Connection vs. Cards
My last email was about connection over content. Missed it? Find it here and let me know if you took action.
This past week, I attended a networking event and didn’t bring business cards. I walked away with 3 new cards from folks I met, and a new contact card (via QR code) from someone whose name I can’t recall and don’t know how to find in my phone’s contact list.
Know who I remember the best?
The only other person at the event who didn’t bring business cards.
She and I laughed over not having cards and quickly moved into a genuine conversation about the deeper work we both do, our families, and the shared connections we have.
I don’t know her title.
I don’t know the name of her organization.
But, I have her cell phone number and email address and next week we’re getting together because she’s interested in hiring me to do some work for her group.
It reminds me that many of the things we’re taught about marketing aren’t true — that we need a
perfect website
polished presence with multiple weekly posts on every social media channel
sophisticated funnel with all the bells and whistles to “capture” our audience
memorized elevator pitch highlighting our titles and services*
gorgeous business card or QR contact card with all of our information so we can be reached in whatever way is convenient for our potential clients.
I’m not saying that the tools above don’t have merit at different points in our journey, but they aren’t the solution to how we grow a successful and thriving business.
If we’re focused on the tool or tactic as the answer, we can easily miss the connections and opportunities that come from having clarity and confidence in our vision and voice.
Do you have clear and compelling brand messaging that compels the people you want to work with to take action and connect?
A well-defined client experience that supports and guides your clients through their journey and helps them find success?
Authentic stories that convey the deepest and most meaningful parts of who you are and what you do?*
Marketing strategies tied to your business goals and rooted in how you operate?
The magic of connection comes from YOU. The tools won’t work until you set your foundations.
What are some marketing beliefs that are keeping you stuck?
Reply & let me know. I’ll add it to my email series with practical ways you can ditch BS marketing and be more you in your brand, business, and life.
P.S.: *I give a great talk about ditching the elevator pitch that highlights how to create better stories for connection. Hire me to train your group!
P.P.S.: When you want to lead with connection and conversion, you know where to find me.
CreativeMornings is a great place to connect face-to-face & there is likely one in your city! Here in Richmond, join us on 3rd Friday of the month!
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For more insights and interviews, follow me on Instagram here & here, TikTok, & YouTube. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn.
be who you are. let the world respond.