Values beyond the buzzword

Your values are your operating system

If you’ve ever done any work with me, you know my process includes deep discussions on what you value and why it matters to how you run your business.

Ever notice how connected we feel to people who share our values? That's not an accident.

Values are the universal language of trust.

This past week, I did a session for a group of women financial leaders in Washington DC on the topic of building their personal and professional brands.

The focus of the talk was refining their elevator pitch to incorporate more than the services they provide, but why they provide them. As my boxing coach Erich always says, I focused on “the WHY behind the WHAT.”

Everyone loves talking points, but the idea of an easy elevator pitch, which is something I taught for over a decade as a career coach, has killed authentic connection.

You don’t want to sound like a robot. You want to sound like you.

Taking the time to reconnect to why you’re here, who you are, what you value, and what you really do under the services that you deliver, can make all the difference.

Articulate the why behind the what.

Forge relationships. Stop transactional, performative networking.

It’s more important now than ever.

Want to spend some time reconnecting to what you value right now? Download my Values Exercise to begin the process.



P.S. Absolutely no doubt about what I value and how I’m spending my time. Let’s act together. Hit reply if you want my notes on daily actions you can take to fight what’s happening in our government right now.

P.P.S. New Year, New Brand? Get the checklist and see if it’s time for a refresh, revamp, or a whole new everything.

Need marketing & branding help?

Brand Visualization, to help you deeply understand who you are now, get clarity on what makes you different and unique, and become confident using your voice consistently and coherently with stories that align with your identity and strategy.

Brand Story & Strategy, to write bespoke content for your website and marketing, clarify your offers and calls to action to align with your targets, and fully launch your voice and vision to find the people who are waiting to work with you.

Brand Strategy Support & Implementation to revise your content and brand essentials and coach you on how to strategically write & deploy content to reach your short and long-term goals.


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For more insights and interviews, follow me on Instagram here & hereTikTok, & YouTube. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn.

You are a great human. I’m thankful for you.


From tongue-tied to vocal


Meta v Metta