That Which We See Lives Within Us…

I got a lovely compliment today.

It said, “I was listening to Gabby Bernstein on Audible today and she was talking about people reflecting back yourself back at you. It instantly made me so happy to know you because I think you started helping me find that self-awareness a long time ago. I thought of how special and talented and empowered you are and then chose to see that in myself. It was a nice moment.”

I’ve always known that we see what is already within us, but this comment made me pause and reflect again on what it is that I have been noticing this week.

  • I’ve noticed my roses blooming orange and full.

  • I’ve noticed that my laundry is piled high.

  • I’ve noticed that I am energized by some really great clients and projects I’m working on.

  • I’ve noticed that I’m fighting a cold, and feel frustrated that I’m sick.

  • I’ve noticed myself being agitated with a situation that is out of my control which left me feeling helpless and “not good enough” at times.

Most importantly? I’ve noticed that because of the work I do to calm my mind and observe my feelings without judgment, my ego and old stories don’t control my emotions.

The compliment above came from a client who needed brand strategy and storytelling work. But I find, over and over again, the process of reconnecting to our humanity and learning how to get rid of our internal stories sets the best stage for being ourselves and building a better business and life. Story and strategy is amazing…but does nothing without recognizing how we’re approaching the most important facets of our lives.

We all are reflections of each other.

When we see things in others, it’s because it is already within ourselves.

Sometimes that means we need to see more of our good, and sometimes we need to pause and reflect what is truly living within us so we can process and liberate it and truly live and work the way we wish.

Our answers are within us and come with pausing to notice them.

What a wonderful world.


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