Worst. Client. Ever.

You don’t need a copywriter…but you may need a Michelle

Aside from the 5 rebrands I’m working on this summer, I’m also in the middle of one for the WORST CLIENT EVER:


And I’m kind of a pain in the ass.

As fun as it is for me to go deep with my clients through interviews, exercises, and my bespoke process to understand who they really are and how they deliver their magic into the world, it is pretty painful to do this for myself.

Like most visionary solopreneurs, the exact magic I’m able to deliver for other people is what I most want for myself.

I went full-time with my business 6.5 years ago, and have done all kinds of writing, guidance, and thought partnership for my clients:

Social media strategies and execution; targeted email campaigns and sequences; full content branding and rebranding of websites; strategic sales pages and sales training; course and program design, development, and marketing (I’ve got a Master’s degree in Education and vast, practical experience in what makes courses exceptional); value propositions and full brand discoveries; strategic goal setting and marketing alignment; client experience journeys; marketing and communications planning; storytelling training for individuals and teams; coaching to UNDO the stories that are keeping people stuck so they can create the momentum and meaningful progress; retreats to help people rediscover and reconnect to themselves; and even more that I don’t remember right now.

The point of this email isn’t to list all the things I do — though if you’ve ever wondered what the hell I do, re-read the above as a starting point — but to remind you that

we all need people who can help us fully see ourselves so we can be ourselves, authentically and freely.

(Shout-out to Rach & Rebecca for helping me do this most recently!)

Branding and marketing sometimes feel hard because we skip the part where someone else witnesses us and reminds us who we are.

If you are trying to voice your vision, start by asking yourself these questions:

  1. What do you believe about yourself and your work? Is it true?

  2. What have other people told you about you and your work? Do you believe them?

  3. Are you leading with values? Do other people see the things you deem most important?

  4. When talking about yourself and your business, are you using jargon or the things you think you’re supposed to say for the ‘gram (and algorithm)?

  5. Who helps you get outside of your head so you can see more clearly and impartially?

Reflect on your answers and see if they help illuminate your next steps.

Sometimes, we just need a nudge from the outside to voice what’s on the inside.



P.S.: When you need a nudge — or more than a nudge — to sound & communicate like YOU, you know where to find me.

P.P.S.: Early bird retreat prices are expiring soon for 2024 day retreats! Use RETREAT24 for a sweet discount. Read through all details to ensure it’s aligned before booking.

If you missed my email on finding your voice in the age of AI, find it here.

Yep. I’m using this same gif this week because I’m adorable and I just love how the very talented Kimie James made this happen at Pop of Confetti!


If you want to share the love, forward this to a friend. If you were forwarded this email and want more like it, sign up here.


For more insights and interviews, follow me on Instagram here & here, TikTok, & YouTube. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn.

be who you are. the world will adjust.


Authenticity & Voice in a Saturated World


Finding your voice in the age of AI