Casey Kasem is still the GOAT

Top 5!

When I was a kid, I listened to Casey Kasem’s Top 100 countdown on New Year’s Eve every year. When it got down to the last 5 songs, my best friend and I had big anticipation and excitement. At midnight, we would dance to the number 1 song, throw homemade confetti around the yard, and set our resolutions for the next year.

Back then, time felt important. It wasn’t until I was much older that I realized that time isn’t real and that we literally made it up.

<sidebar, do you know the favorite word of 9-year-old kids? It’s literally literally, and I’ve not-so-literally picked up the habit of saying the word relentlessly from my nephew over the holidays. Ok, back to time.>

Now, New Year resolutions don’t make any sense to me. If I want to change my life on a random Tuesday in August, I’ll do it! (all Tuesdays are just made up anyway)

But, there is one thing about time that is very true: our time here is finite.

And, in our finite time, we humans like to make meaningful progress.

Since my tax year adheres to this made-up calendar year, and I’m human, I reflect in January on what it is that I want to accomplish in my business and life. I actually do it quarterly, and on my birthday in May because I’m a Taurus and that’s how we roll.

If you find yourself reflecting during this fallow period and are setting goals for yourself, I’d like to offer you an alternative to just making a resolution.

It’s my Top 5 exercise that I use to gain clarity on the things that are most important and pressing so I know where to focus my next steps.

You can grab the abbreviated exercise here.

If you’re one of the leaders who joined my On Brand 2023 group for the year, you’ll get the full exercise next week and then we’ll work together to turn your reflections into actionable next steps this month.

Not an On Brand 2023 member yet but are interested in consistent, accountability-driven support to set your business goals, align your marketing, and stay on track to achieve your targets this year?

I have a couple of spaces left in my On Brand 2023 group:

12 businesses, 12 months, 12 brand evolutions that come from monthly insights & actions aligned specifically to YOU & your business.

The world shifts rapidly (unless you're campaigning for speaker of the house) and consistently delivering good messaging and the right offers are the way to sustain & grow.

This is perfect for 1-10pp businesses that need consistent support and are focused on delivering a great client experience. It's $3k for the entire year (!) & yes, we can arrange a payment plan.

Want the details? Let me know and I'll send them to you - no hard selling because if it's a right fit, we'll know.

We start next week. And you can bet that we’ll be bringing Big Energy a la Casey Kasem.




P.S. Need deep strategic & tactical marketing help on your team but can’t afford to hire a 6-fig brand exec? I’m now offering strategy & get-it-done help for growth-focused, purpose-filled organizations with a monthly budget and long marketing to-do list. Book a call with me & let’s see if we fit.

P.P.S. Let me know how the Top 5 exercise goes & what you notice.


I write thoughtful, story-led blogs like this a few times per month that subscribers call "inspirational," "resonant," and "just wow." Sign up here.

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For more insights and interviews, follow me on Instagram here & here, TikTok, & YouTube. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn.


Momentum is Overrated


It Is (And Isn’t) What It Is