Momentum is Overrated

Sometimes Momentum is Found in Retreat

My word of the week is MOMENTUM.

I’ve been working with new and returning brand strategy and content clients who are building businesses, or bolstering them, and here’s a snippet of things I’ve heard last week:

“If I could just get some momentum around my marketing, I’ll be fine.”

“I’ve got a ton of momentum! If I can just stay heads down until this strategy plan is ready, I’ll feel better.”

“I’ve been too busy and I don’t have momentum on building this brand. I can’t believe it’s almost March and I haven’t hit my stride. Things feel crazy.”


“I really dove into my job and was keeping a rapid-fire pace. I had such momentum. When I looked back though, I realized I was just avoiding the real work I needed to do - the work on myself so that I could find work that was aligned with who I really am.”

I’ve removed some details but the sentiments are the same. Also, I realize that at some point or another, I’ve said each to myself…even that last gut-punch statement.

I don’t have a problem with momentum; I quite like it actually. Feeling good about my next steps, building on successes, and effortlessly flowing from one thing to the next is awesome.

But, momentum isn’t what it’s always cracked up to be… especially when we prioritize momentum above all else.

I grew up in a world of “doers” and “get-it-done-ers,” and there were many times in my life when momentum was lauded as an achievement or used as a crutch to avoid facing what really needed to get done.

There were also times when I had momentum in what I was DOing and didn’t have any alignment in my BEing.

When momentum takes precedence over stopping to ensure we’re flowing in the right direction, supersedes taking care of our essential needs, becomes the reason why we can’t feel good in the present moment, or feels like an unattainable thing that we must achieve in order to be successful, it can actually keep us stuck rather than help us make meaningful progress.

(btw, I posted on TikTok and IG about this if you are currently stuck on a project!)

You don’t need to find, achieve, gain, or hustle your way into momentum to live and work with purpose.

The first step to finding that flow comes from the inside.

Once you’re aligned with yourself, the rest is just logistics.

May you stop for a moment to find the momentum you need, or lose the momentum you don’t, before heading into your week.



P.S. Need a pause to reflect on & renew your momentum? My 2023 Day Retreats went LIVE today! Renew, Recapture, Return & Restore with me in Irvington, VA this year!

P.P.S. Yes, I’ve got room for one more brand client to onboard in March! Starting your business? Revitalizing one? Need strategy, content, & support to help? Let’s chat!


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