Forget Happy New Year
Whether you want to be back or not…
If you missed my year end email, you can find it here.
I’m a cheerful person who is often excited to joke with a stranger, hear about someone’s big ideas or latest vacation, go deep into the meaning of life over a coffee, or talk about whatever I’m currently launching and attending.
But it’s January, folks. It’s cold here in Virginia and many of us are re-emerging from our holiday cocoons, probably a bit-oversugared and a little bit ragged.
So I want to cut to the chase and say it’s QUITE OKAY to NOT just jump back in and go from zero-to-burned-out with a long-list of resolutions. And, you don’t need to already have your year-long theme word memorized…nor do you need to “circle back” with everyone you promised to contact in the new year.
Maybe it’s even time to take a self-retreat.
I have a lot of big plans for 2024, but for January my theme is PEACE. If you’re feeling that vibe too, here are a few things that may interest you:
I’m hosting a Masterclass on Making Peace with Food with my friend Rebecca Thomas, founder of Not Another Diet. We’re doing it because we both know another diet ain’t gonna solve the hundreds of things that are wrong with diet culture today. We’re not going to be talking about weight-loss strategies, but will be giving tangible tools and practical methods to make peace with food…and yourself if you’re on a health journey this year. (Peep our “risque” teaser here)
It’s stressful to be someone you’re not. People pleasing, not knowing what you really want, repeating old patterns, and not being able to show up authentically as you are does not lead to peace. So, I’m giving a talk on January 17th in Richmond, Virginia about Unveiling Your Authentic Self — again with practical steps you can start now to rekindle who you really are and free yourself from the stories that aren’t serving you. (online version will be coming soon!)
If you’re a biz owner, marketing often feels hard and disruptive. Maybe it’s time to make it peaceful? I’m actively meeting with people who are applying to and joining my Clear, Consistent, Confident Marketing program to bring more peace to their process. Want to authentically shine, be more you, and joyfully connect to the people you are here to serve? If yes, let’s talk!
I’m wishing you big peace this month, whatever that looks like for you.
And, if you’re an ambivert/extrovert leaning like me, hit reply on this email and tell me your theme for this month or this year, or give me a highlight from your recent holidays, or just let me know what’s bringing you joy right now.
Never not interested,
You know I had to bring in a little sparkle to kick of 2024!
Here’s a summary of what’s happening in January:
Masterclass on Making Peace with Food
Clear, Consistent, Confident Marketing
See you soon!