3 Things & A Wish…

Thank you for being here & being YOU

If you missed my last email about self-trust, confidence & clarity, you can find it here.

I firmly believe in “wintering” and taking time off at the end of the year to restore and get cozy — so I’ll keep this brief.

At the end of every year, I reflect before flipping the calendar to “begin” again.

2023 was a banner year:

I worked with hundreds of people in varying ways — from writing compelling, converting web content to facilitating values based storytelling sessions to launching new brands and businesses with story, strategy and deep one-on-one support.

I’ve helped clients rebrand to communicate more purposefully, clearly, consistently, and confidently to their potential clients — and market themselves authentically and effortlessly.

I coached, strategized, and led my “Year On Brand” group to help them grow their businesses exponentially.

I worked with several larger agencies and brands to help them wrangle their marketing and communications into actionable, impactful strategies and tactics so they could scale to success.

I hosted three mindful retreats for evolving souls to help them heal, reflect, re-energize, and feel more free. (2024 retreats coming soon!)

But, I’m most proud of these three things:

1. I helped so many incredible humans truly SEE themselves, VOICE their visions, and become even more successful by being EXACTLY who they are and aligning their story and strategy to support their big goals. (And I can’t wait to kick off 2024 doing the same with Clear, Consistent, & Confident Marketing. Applications are open now!)

2. I didn’t achieve the above by sacrificing myself. I spent the year taking good care of me — everything from switching up my workouts and strength training to celebrating myself with boudoir shots that were just for me (and at least 100 people who I showed ) to making joy a priority in how I move and how I consume to the mindfulness work I do every day. (Want to know more about finding peace with food and yourself? I’m hosting a masterclass with my friend Rebecca on January 13th about this. Join us.)

3. I spent quality time with the people I love and deepened so many friendships with inspiring, loving humans. Excited to continue this in 2024…especially in the CreativeMornings/Richmond and Well Collective communities.

I’m sharing my top 3 because I hope you give yourself a moment to reflect on yours, and because my top 3 achievements are a direct result of how I set whole-life goals, not just work-life ones.

Yes, work is important. I love what I do and the people with whom I work. But we are here for it ALL. So let’s live like it!

Finally, my wish for you, above all else, is that you don’t miss your life by checking off achievements and to-do list items.

My wish for you is to live joyfully, and purposefully, and that you look back with no regrets.

Sending you love, peace, and the moments you need most throughout this season.




Forget Happy New Year


Self-Trust & Clarity Go Hand in Hand