Michelle Mercurio

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From tongue-tied to vocal

you already know the words…

I had a conversation with a new client recently that got me thinking about one of my favorite topics: how to BE MORE YOU in your business by vocalizing what you value.

She's brilliant at what she does—helping people get unstuck and make better financial decisions—but when I asked her to tell me about her work, she hesitated, before listing her services and trailing off when it came time to articulate the real outcomes she delivers. "I just can't seem to put it into words," she said with a heaving sigh via Zoom.

But her challenge wasn't about finding the right words. It was about reconnecting with something deeper.

We've been taught to lead with what we do, when the real magic lies in who we are.

Think about it. When was the last time you sat down and really explored your values? Not the ones you think you should have, but the ones that actually drive you forward each day? The ones that make your work not just a service, but a transformation?

This isn't just another branding exercise. It's about creating space to hear your own voice again.

And it can’t be done by filling out a questionnaire or packet of questions in a cookie-cutter rebrand.

Here's what I know after years of helping visionaries articulate their work:

When you're tongue-tied about your transformations, it's rarely about vocabulary. It's about reconnecting with the core of who you are and why you do what you do.

  • The words flow naturally when you're grounded in your values.

  • The stories emerge effortlessly when you're aligned with your truth.

  • The transformations you deliver become crystal clear when you stop trying to fit them into someone else's framework.

Your brand isn't just what you say—it's the resonance between your inner truth and your outer expression.

This is why I always start with foundations. Not with catchy taglines or clever marketing hooks, but with you…Interviewing you with questions that you don’t expect so I can listen to the words you say and hear “between the lines” to ascertain your values, vision, and the transformation that only you can deliver in exactly the way you deliver it.

When we build from this place, something remarkable happens: The anxiety about "finding the right words" dissolves. Because suddenly, you're not searching for words anymore—you're simply speaking your truth.

It's not about figuring out what to say—it's about reconnecting with the things you already know.

And that's what your clients are really looking for anyway.

Here’s to sounding like you — authentically and powerfully, Michelle

P.S. Want to explore how to move from tongue-tied to confidently vocal? Book a virtual coffee with me. Let's discover the voice that's already there, waiting to be heard. Heaving sighs optional.

P.P.S. Speaking of transformation, I'm hosting an intimate workshop via Zoom in early April on "Voicing Your Vision." Want to be first to know when registration is live? Hit me up.

Need marketing & branding help?

Brand Visualization, to help you deeply understand who you are now, get clarity on what makes you different and unique, and become confident using your voice consistently and coherently with stories that align with your identity and strategy.

Brand Story & Strategy, to write bespoke content for your website and marketing, clarify your offers and calls to action to align with your targets, and fully launch your voice and vision to find the people who are waiting to work with you.

Brand Strategy Support & Implementation to revise your content and brand essentials and coach you on how to strategically write & deploy content to reach your short and long-term goals.


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For more insights and interviews, follow me on Instagram here & hereTikTok, & YouTube. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn.

You are a great human. I’m thankful for you.

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