“No Vacation Nation” & protecting your primary asset
written while not on vacation
I’ve not sent an email since June because I needed space to evolve, process, think, experience, and rest. Read on…
One thing has become abundantly clear since I left the corporate world 5 years ago: working 40 hours each week, every week except maybe 1 or 2, is too much.
I resisted this idea, initially.
When I started my business, I structured my days for productivity, connection, and to get done with the “to-do” lists. Get up early (and earlier), work out, put in a good 8-9 hours of “strategic” work, move my body a bit, network and connect, spend hours unwinding, and then sleep a bit before repeating.
There was never enough time.
Even with 40-50 hours per week dedicated to all the things I thought I should be doing. And vacation seemed like a luxury I couldn’t afford. (why yes, we are the only advanced economy that doesn’t guarantee workers paid vacation)
It took me a few years to find my rhythm.
But it didn’t come from optimizing my calendar or gaining momentum on the neverending task list.
My rhythm evolved from undoing the subconscious lifelong programming of hustle culture that exists to feed systems that don’t support humans.
It came from stopping and working on the one thing that has the most impact on my future successes: ME.
This is why I talk about meditation, mindful alignment, self-trust, and how to let go of tension and pay closer attention to intuition.
It’s why I teach my clients to niche to their values and build a really solid brand and business foundation that supports their greatest asset: THEMSELVES.
It is possible to do less and live more richly, fully, and happily. We just need to interrupt the patterns and stories that keep us stuck so we can build a new paradigm.
Ask yourself:
What is your life’s work? Is it aligned to who you are now and where you’re headed?
Do your brand and marketing bring you clients who inspire and fuel you?
Do your communications feel effortless and easy?
Are you making meaningful progress? Is it time to revise & evolve?
It’s true that the world isn’t going to wait for your summer vacation. More importantly, life won’t wait for your to-do list to be done.
The trade-off is yours to make.
P.S. Ready to realign? Brand with me or let’s chat about how you can buy my day for targeted, expedient transformation.
“Michelle was equal parts thought partner, coach, and cheerleader. Our work together helped me cross the finish line and launch a business designed from day one to be transformational and profitable. Now that I'm on the other side of launching I'm so glad I did it. I love the work and the life I've built around my work. Both matter. You'll often hear Michelle say that she helps people not miss out on their lives, now I know exactly what that means. If you have an idea that won't leave you alone, hire her and get to work. You'll be very glad you did.”
— Rebecca Thomas, Entrepreneur & Founder, Not Another Diet