Ready, Set, Stop!

the stop before the fall

This past Tuesday, I took a “retreat” day. I do this a few times per year because meaningful progress often depends on a meaningful pause.

This came on the heels of “no hustle July” and last week’s email about how we are the only developed nation that doesn’t have paid vacation leave and how we often feel like we can’t protect our most important asset: US!

I took the retreat because I needed time to thoughtfully ponder my business for success and ensure that my upcoming work and services are aligned with the things I value most. (more to come on this)

Many of my clients were interested in my format so I thought I’d share it here if you want to set yourself up for a more productive and aligned fall.

The self-retreat framework is beneficial for humans, business owners or not, so here’s the high-level outline:

  1. Start your day with inspiration. Maybe you have a favorite walk that invigorates you or know that a guided visualization grounds you for success. Maybe you want to read on the porch and have your coffee without a phone in your hand. Get up, get out of bed, and begin with something that inspires you. Be present and notice without distraction.

  2. Reflect on the goals you’ve set for yourself. Whether you’re looking at your 2023 goals or the bigger picture, conduct a review. What’s been accomplished? What needs to fall off the list? What is still important to you that hasn’t been done yet and needs to be re-prioritized?

  3. Celebrate yourself. Write out your wins - big and small - and take a moment to high-five yourself. Journal all the things you’ve done right!

  4. Check your vision. What do you value? Are your work and life aligned with these values? Are you excited about what’s next? Where are you headed?

  5. Strategize with alignment. Does your calendar match your vision? Remove, with kindness and grace, anything not aligned. Add next steps and schedule them with intention. Don’t pack everything in and don’t overlook yourself. Build in time to think and to be you.

  6. Make progress on one thing. At the end of my retreat day, I wrote some new web pages for my site, streamlined my upcoming offers, and drafted high-level goals I have for 2024. I can’t tell you what the one thing is for you, but I can tell you that if you allow yourself some space and time, it will reveal itself.

  7. Celebrate again. It is often harder to take the pause than to go with the momentum.

As we wrap up the summer in the coming weeks, I just want to remind you (and me) that we are meant to be human .

We are meant to take self-retreats to thoughtfully ponder our businesses and realign so we make decisions from a place of clarity and calm instead of chaos.

We are meant to honor the seasons of our life and be where we are right now.

We are not meant to hustle and be on the go 24/7.

We are meant for rest, sunshine, joy, and aligned projects.

Give yourself a break.

Feel into what you know to be true right now.

Go slow to go fast.

Allow yourself to be here now.

The present predicts the future.



P.S. Ready to act? Brand with me or let’s chat about how you can buy my day for targeted, expedient transformation.

P.P.S. Need a facilitated day retreat? I’ve got you covered on September 16th in Irvington, VA. Check it out.


Soft Skills = Cold, Hard Cash (and better connections)


“No Vacation Nation” & protecting your primary asset