That Low-Key Feeling
Renewal is a process
I’ve not been feeling “it” lately.
Low energy, motivation, mood.
As a terminally happy person whose “effervescent spirit and juju are effusive and contagious” (quote from a fave client & partner), it’s hard to accept that “struggling” has been my pervasive undercurrent amidst the bright spots.
Admittedly, whenever I feel this way, some of my “old stories” about myself start creeping back in:
I’m flighty, don’t finish things, and can’t commit to consistency.
I’m not that talented or really helping anyone. (the “I’m not good enough” story)
I just can’t get “it” together (whatever it is).
I shouldn’t share my personal feelings - I’m here to listen and help others. (the “I’m not worthy and people will reject me” story)
and my fave:
What is wrong with me?
Why am I sharing this?
It seems counterintuitive to tell people who hire me my innermost fears and sordid self-stories, but this isn’t a dumping sesh or a call for therapy.
I’m sharing this because when I work with entrepreneurs - whether they are launching a new venture or going through a rebrand or big transformation - the stories surface.
Creating new stories often requires us to navigate and process the old ones.
The ones that smack us straight in the face and call out all of the fears and beliefs that are running rampant in our subconscious.
Brand work is soul work.
Defining who we are, clarifying our offers, understanding our people and their problems, providing a transformational customer experience, communicating our gifts, and serving others with our talents are deeply personal acts. And they are the foundations for our businesses…and lives.
So, what do I do when I’m not feeling it?
First, I pause and take note of my thoughts and feelings.
One of the reasons I offer retreats* is because we all need the pause so we can stop, take note, and realign.
My thoughts above? They’re just stories that were formed from my human experiences, most of them from childhood.
If you’re human, you likely have yours too.
These stories are conditioned, but they don’t have to guide our lives and be our reality.
Second, I get out of my head and into my body.
Many of you know I box, I walk everywhere, and recently, thanks to my friend Michelle “Smartello”, I’ve taken up pole dancing.
I love this story that my brilliant friend Racheal told our SWELL group the other day. Her grandmother’s sage advice for parents who had tried everything to console a crying child was “to put that baby in the bath or take it outside.” Shifting physically does wonders mentally. And yes, we are still babies who need care sometimes.
Third, I shut down my inner demons by sharing my feelings with trusted souls.
We all get by with a little help from our friends and trusted peers. I am no exception, and I thank you all for your support. Even with my transparent talk, it is still scary to be vulnerable at times.
Fourth, I remember that nothing lasts forever and that the magic comes from being here now.
I use this “chill on command” technique to return to the present moment so I can go about my life and my life’s work to help people see themselves, be more of who they really are, and free themselves from the stories that no longer serve them so they can make meaningful progress in business and life.
I’m also never one to deny a good kitchen dance party. Want to join me? Here’s my on-theme song for today
*P.S. Seeking Renewal? Come to the March 25th Retreat! Renew, Recapture, Return & Restore with me in Irvington, VA this year!
P.P.S. Yes, I’ve got room for one more brand client to onboard in April! Starting your business? Revitalizing one? Need strategy, content, & support to help? Let’s chat!
Oh, and spend time with the people who remind you who you are.