Keeping it Simple, Sweetie

Last week, I wrote about simplification and how rest and deep restoration are essential to living a meaningful and joyful life.

This week, I’m following the advice my Mom consistently gave to keep the KISS method in mind.

KISS stands for Keep it Simple, Sweetie…though when she was trying to lighten the mood, my Mom would joke that it stood for Keep it Simple, Stupid.

July has been busy — and hot — and I’m all about ease right now.

So are many of you given the responses to last week’s question about what you’d like to simplify. Quite a few of you shared with me that you, too, are looking for an easier and more gratifying way to cook and eat.

If so, maybe you caught my Instagram Live with Rebecca Thomas talking about simplicity, wellness vs. well-being, and her game-changing, practical program on how to COOK! using real foods that support true health and foster a systemic approach to nourishing ourselves.

If you didn’t, you should check it out simply to make the absolutely divine Beet Whip with garlic she made and I got to eat.

For me, COOK!** reframed the way I think about food and its preparation. As Rebecca says, “Cooking is the work of good health. That's why it has to be simple and a little fun.” Plus, it’s freeing af to have a framework when approaching our kitchens.

No matter what you want to simplify, KISSing things takes intention and a willingness to pause and examine with curiosity.*

When we pause, we stop our reactions and rote habits and can better see how we complicate things.

While adding nuance and intricacy isn’t a bad thing, sometimes more can be achieved by getting curious about what could be made more simple.



* Ready to get curious and simplify? Time is running out to join the Curiosity (August) and Calm (November) retreats.

** Ready to COOK! with Rebecca? If you use my link I get a small payment though that is NOT why I recommend it. This is the smartest and most unique approach to cooking, food, and health I’ve ever seen, and as someone with a Master’s in Education who has helped hundreds of clients create programs, that’s a huge testimonial.


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For more insights and interviews, follow me on Instagram here & here, TikTok, & YouTube. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn.

be more you. trust your voice.


CURIOSITY & this cat


Let July be July